Liam Neeson Drives Action to End Violence Against Children
Globally, one in four children suffers physical abuse. Nearly one in five girls is sexually abused at least once in her life. Every five minutes, a child dies as a result of violence.
At the United Nations, children joined world leaders on Tuesday to launch a new partnership and fund to make ending violence a public priority and a collective responsibility.
End Violence Against Children – The Global Partnership brings together governments, foundations, the UN, civil society, academia, the private sector and young people in driving action toward achieving the new global target to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children.
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“The Global Partnership to End Violence against Children is mobilizing the world,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “There could be no more meaningful way to help realize the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
The world’s governments set ambitious targets to end violence by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Working through the Global Partnership, governments and organizations can pool their resources and expertise to make accelerated progress toward this critical goal.
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that in the past year as many as 1 billion children around the world have experienced physical, sexual, or psychological violence.
Globally, one in four children suffers physical abuse. Nearly one in five girls is sexually abused at least once in her life. Every five minutes, a child dies as a result of violence.
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In coordination with the United Kingdom, the multi-donor trust fund has been established to support the Global Partnership. The UK Government is making a £40m contribution to catalyze the Fund in collaboration with the WePROTECT Global Alliance.
End Violence Against Children Launch Film from End Violence Against Children on Vimeo.
The UK funding will be dispersed over the next four years and will focus on ending online child sexual exploitation.
The launch of the Global Partnership includes the premier of a new PSA featuring Liam Neeson, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and international children’s peace prize winners from Liberia and the Philippines.
The PSA tells the story of the impact of violence from the perspective of children and calls on governments, societies, communities, and families to #ENDViolence against children.
Photo / Video courtesy: UNICEF