हिंदी से अंग्रेजी Hindi to English सभी काल All Tenses Negative
हिंदी से अंग्रेजी Hindi to English सभी काल All Tenses Negative Watch the video. [ Also Read and Watch: हिंदी से अंग्रेजी Hindi to English सभी काल All Tenses ]…Read more →
हिंदी से अंग्रेजी Hindi to English सभी काल All Tenses
Watch the video. हिंदी से अंग्रेजी Hindi to English सभी काल All Tenses मेँ खाता हूँ. I eat. मैं खा रहा हूं. I am eating. मैंने खा लिया है. I…Read more →
UN Expert Asks Finland to Address New Education Challenges
UN Expert Asks Finland to Address New Education Challenges The expert welcomed Finland’s allocation of 270 million euros more to the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2024, compared to…Read more →
Microsoft Invites Students to Learn the Basics of Coding
Microsoft Invites Students to Learn the Basics of Coding A one-hour, grassroots introduction to computer science (CS), Hour of Code uses engaging, kid-friendly tutorials and fun activities for learners of…Read more →
1 in 3 Children Exposed to Severe Water Scarcity: UNICEF
1 in 3 Children Exposed to Severe Water Scarcity: UNICEF By 2050, 35 million more children are projected to be exposed to high or very high levels of water stress.…Read more →
Imrana’s Insight Podcast on Poverty and Sustainable Development Goals
Imrana's Insight Podcast on Poverty and Sustainable Development Goals Imrana connects the dots between poverty and various SDGs, emphasizing the collective responsibility we all share in fostering positive change. In…Read more →
Winter Break Advanced in Delhi Schools Due to Pollution
Winter Break Advanced in Delhi Schools Due to Pollution With increasing pollution, the people of Delhi - including children - are inhaling poison from the air. While pollution - as…Read more →