Save the Children

Save the Children

Save the Children’s U.S. emergency response team is making sure the needs of children in tornado-affected Oklahoma are prioritized as the recovery process begins.

The organization has already established a safe play area, called a Child-Friendly Space, at the Moore Community Center, and will be creating these safe spaces at additional shelters where displaced families continue to arrive.

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“Living through a major disaster often has a long-lasting emotional impact on children, especially the youngest ones, who need to regain a sense of normalcy and routine in order to begin to recover,” said Carolyn Miles, president and CEO of Save the Children.

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“That’s why Save the Children is working with the community to open safe play areas in shelters and help restore child-care services so parents and children can begin rebuilding their lives.”

In addition, Save the Children is helping lead the creation of a task force with federal, state and local partners in Oklahoma to address children’s needs through summer programs and when school resumes.

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